
Monday, December 7, 2015

Trump Change: Trump?s Chances Continue To Improve

Rassmussen Reports: in its Friday Morning Report (Dec. 4, 2016) identifies that "The Donald" Continues to make gains with voters including Republicans.Donald Trump's message still appears to resonate with Republican voters with his perceived chances to clinch the GOP presidential nomination up for the second straight survey. Belief among all voters that he will be the nominee is also up to its highest level since mid-October.

The latest Rasmussen Reports weekly Trump Change survey finds that 68% of Likely Republican Voters believe Trump is likely to be their party's nominee next year, up from 53% two weeks ago and the highest finding since late October. This includes 32% who now think Trump is Very Likely to win the GOP race, up from 24% in the previous survey and also the highest finding in over a month. Twenty-seven percent (27%) of GOP voters still say Trump is unlikely to win the nomination, but just seven percent (7%) consider it Not At All Likely. (To see survey question wording, click here.)

Overall belief among Republican voters that the billionaire developer is likely to win the nomination spiked to a high of 74% in late October but had generally run in the mid-50s for most weeks since Rasmussen Reports began the weekly survey in mid-August. His perceived chances rose over 60% in mid-November just after the terrorist attacks in Paris.

Among all likely voters, 56% think Trump is the likely Republican nominee, including 23% who say it's Very Likely.
Rassmussen Reports comments:Trump appears to be benefiting from his tough talk against radical Islamic terrorism following the tragedies in Paris and now in San Bernardino, California. Trump says he supports government tracking of Muslims living in the United States. In a survey taken before the San Bernardino incident, a plurality of Republican voters - and one-third of all voters - supported government monitoring of individual Muslims.----------------
Rasmussen Reports is a media company specializing in the collection, publication and distribution of public opinion information. For the detailed statistical analysis visit their site.

Tags: Donald Trump, Rassmussen Reports, 2016 election, Republican Primary To share or post to your site, click on "Post Link". Please mention / link to the ARRA News Service. and "Like" Facebook Page - Thanks!


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