THE seven new Cabinet entrants are drawn exclusively from the financial elite – each has a net worth of more than Sh100 million, totalling Sh2.6 billion.
Mwangi Kiunjuri, a former tout and teacher, leads the pack. The incoming Devolution Cabinet Secretary is worth Sh798 million.
According to a wealth declaration report by Parliament's Committee on Appointments, Kiunjuri declared this was all of his wealth as at December 2015. It is mainly from landholdings and buildings in Nanyuki, Sagana and Nairobi.
However, the CA report does not give any specific details of the sources of wealth. Former Nairobi Hospital CEO Cleopa Mailu has a net worth of Sh615 million.
Mailu is incoming Health Cabinet Secretary. "The nominee does not envisage any deferred income or future benefits and does not have outside commitments he plans to pursue outside employment.
His main source of income in the preceding year is Sh67,000,000, being salary from the Nairobi Hospital employment," the report says.
This means that Mailu will now earn more than Sh40 million less than he has been earning a year, with CSs' salaries and allowances set at around Sh1.2 million monthly.
The incoming CS for Communication and ICT, Joe Mucheru, declared that his wealth is estimated at Sh500 million. The report says that he has a deferred income amounting to Sh267 million from ventures that he has invested in but that have yet to mature.
"He stated that BTC Africa Ltd and Wananchi Online Ltd fall under the Ministry of ICT in Regulation and Licensing.
To resolve this conflict of interest, the nominee stated that in the process of liquidating his interests, he will recuse himself from any decisions touching on the two companies," the report says.
Outgoing Kericho Senator Charles Keter, who is taking up the Energy docket, declared that he is worth Sh352 million, though the report does not give details.
Sicily Kariuki, who will be the CS for Public Service, Youth and Gender, declared she is worth Sh168 million, being income from investments, assets and salary.
"She does not envisage any deferred income or future benefits and does not have outside commitments she plans to pursue outside employment," the report concludes.
The report shows that Agriculture CS Willy Bett has an estimated net worth of Sh127 million, mainly from employment, farming and rental income.
Incoming Mining CS Dan Kazungu, the current Malindi MP, is the least prosperous of the seven, declaring a net worth of Sh100 million.
The government has sought to tighten the declaration of wealth requirement, amid accusations that political appointees use their positions to enrich themselves, leaving office much richer than they were when they came in.
The government is proposing that appointed and elected officials declare their wealth within 30 days of taking office.
They will also be required to declare their wealth yearly and when they leave office.
Three new CSs richer than Collymore, Oigara
THREE of the seven new Cabinet entrants have declared wealth portfolios larger than those disclosed by two of Kenya's highest paid private sector CEOs – Safaricom's Bob Collymore and KCB Group's Joshua Oigara.
With Sh798 million declared, former MP Mwangi Kiunjuri, a one-time tout and teacher, has greater net worth than both Collymore and Oigara combined at Sh627.3 million.
Collymore declared a net worth of Sh277.3 million in cash, property and shares. Oigara declared Sh350 million in landholdings, buildings, motor vehicles, cash bank balances and shares.
Collymore's pay is Sh9 million per month and Oigara's Sh4.9 million. Also wealthier than either of the two top CEOs is Dr Cleopa Mailu, the incoming CS Health, at Sh615 million.
Ditto the incoming CS Communication and ICT, Joe Mucheru, who declared that his wealth is estimated at Sh500 million.
Outgoing Kericho Senator Charles Keter, who is the incoming CS Energy declared Sh352 million, a couple of million more than Oigara.
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