
Tuesday, December 1, 2015

Syrian Immigration, Shameless Left, Misguided Agenda

by Gary Bauer, Contributing Author:  Syrian Immigration - I joined more than 60 conservative leaders today in the Conservative Action Project (CAP) calling on Congress to take action addressing the potential national security threats posed by the Obama Administration's insufficient vetting of Syrian refugees. We outlined compassionate approaches in a letter that mitigate the security risks that currently exist.

Meanwhile, doubts are growing in Europe about the wisdom of taking in hundreds of thousands of unvetted migrants, mostly from Islamic countries. German authorities are reporting that many Muslim migrants are seeking out Arab language mosques, some of which are known to be havens for Islamic extremists.

In addition, the leader of Germany's Jewish community, Joseph Schuster, warned last week that new migrants are coming from "cultures in which hate towards Jews and intolerance are fixed components."

Exactly! This is why Europe and the United States should revisit our immigration and refugee policies to ensure that we are not importing hate in the name of compassion.

Shameless Left - I join other pro-life leaders in condemning Friday's shooting at a Planned Parenthood clinic in Colorado Springs, Colorado. The alleged shooter, Robert Lewis Dear, is being arraigned today and we may find out more about him and his motives then.

But everything we know so far indicates that Dear is a deeply disturbed man. He was a recluse. His neighbors avoided him. He had several run-ins with the law, including various charges ranging from domestic abuse to animal cruelty and invasion of privacy.

Nothing indicates that Dear was in any way, shape or form part of or inspired by the pro-life movement. Predictably, that hasn't stopped voices on the left from attempting to exploit this shooting to smear the roughly one half of the country that believes abortion is, at its core, the taking of innocent human life.

Left-wing media outlets even went so far as to check Dear's voter registration status. What does that have to do with anything? But, of course, you know the answer -- the media were desperately hoping to find out if he was a Republican. It turns out he is a registered independent.

For the last seven years, many on the left have engaged in over-the-top, hateful rhetoric toward the police and then claimed that the assassinations of police officers that followed had nothing to do with their remarks. (A common chant at some Black Lives Matter demonstrations is "Pig in a blanket," referring to a dead cop with a sheet over his body.)

This same left-wing crowd tells us that mosques around the world where imams preach that infidels must be killed have nothing to do with jihadists who are killing infidels.

The Obama Administration is quick to excuse government-sponsored demonstrations in Tehran where "Death to America, Death to Israel" is chanted by thousands as hyperbole "for domestic consumption," even though Iran has in fact killed hundreds of American soldiers.

And the left has excoriated Americans who believe marriage is between a man and a woman, calling them bigots, haters and the equivalent of the KKK. Yet it rejects any responsibility for the man who shot up the Family Research Council and was stopped only by the bravery of the security guard on duty that day.

The left has no shame.

Obama's Misguided Agenda - World leaders have gathered in Paris, France -- the site of horrific attacks earlier this month by radical Islamists. They are in Paris pledging their resolve to tackle the world's most urgent threat. President Barack Obama addressed the summit today, saying, "What greater rejection of those who would tear down our world than marshaling our best efforts to save it."

How is Obama proposing to save the world? By defeating ISIS? By fighting Iran's mullahs, Hamas or Hezbollah? No. Obama is in effect declaring war on the energy industry and economic growth. When it comes to putting boots on the ground, Obama seems more likely to deploy bureaucrats to control your thermostat!

Meanwhile, news broke over the Thanksgiving holiday that the FBI has deployed elite mobile surveillance teams to track at least 48 "high risk" ISIS suspects within the United States.

Many on the left think climate change is our greatest national security threat, and that likely includes the president himself. Michael Morell, Obama's former CIA director, suggested that the president hesitated to attack ISIS oil facilities (one of its largest sources of cash) out of concerns about "environmental damage."
Gary Bauer is a conservative family values advocate and serves as president of American Values and chairman of the Campaign for Working Families

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