
Friday, November 27, 2015

FOR LADIES: Signs He Is Not Enjoying Having S?X With You

Their is this retarded myth in women that men can get an erektion at the merest sight of a woman's ankle. Well am not pinning down the myth completely but to some point yeah as not all men do. Just like women some men, in fact most will take a little more work and effort to be turned 0n.

If you think all you need to do is pull your guy straight into bedroom hoping that by seeing you completely in your birthday suite he will jump into action and take you to the 9th Cloud then you might be disappointed.

Unfortunately you will never find a man complaining to you how bad your S€X game is like women do because its like a culture, instead they will try suggest new moves indirectly just to make sure not to embarrass you. However not all men will be kind enough to help you save the situation as they will opt to find something interesting elsewhere.

If you ever find yourself in such situation here are some of the signs to check out;

#1 BOB Is Not Standing.
This is the most obvious sign of them all. If you are trying all your dirty moves and the 'D' refuses to stand to attention then he is definitely not in the mood.

#2 Watching NROP.
If whenever you mention the game and he running to his computer to watch the BOX before or the process of giving you the 'D' then just know he is exciting himself in order to get you tru the whole process.

#3 Avoiding the Topic.
So your guy is in the shower and you ask him if you can join him and he tells you "No am good" then know you blew it.

#4 Action man.
If he is not letting letting you take charge when making love and he is always dictating on what to do and not do then he is not enjoying your technique.

#5 10 Minutes Is The Longest He Can Last.
You he is enjoying it if he can spend the whole day with you between the sheets. But if a quick roll of sausage is all he wants and never gets interested for the second one then girl you are in trouble.

#6 His Eyes Are Closed!
If his eyes are always closed and never utters even a single word in the process then just know that he's trying to visualize someone else who actually excites him enough to get him through the tedious affair.


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