
Saturday, October 31, 2015

HALLOWEEN by Marian Finch

Pumpkins stand on every porch..
Faces lit up by inner torch
But close your doors ...don`t leave your home!
This is the night when creatures roam
They slither from their putrid holes
Looking for souls to make their own...

They yearn all year for this special night
Meandering far and spreading fright..
Vampires fly with sharpened teeth
Life immortal they bequeath..

The price is only your life blood -
Could they be in your neighbourhood?
Countless witches this night fly..
On broomsticks through an inky sky
Conjuring up their vilest spells..
Until it`s time to return to their place in Hell.

So when your children venture out tonight...
A sack for treats and their eyes so bright..
In case such horrors should attack...
Take care!
Go with them ...
watch their back!

Marian Finch Dreamscape Poetry...


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