
Wednesday, July 1, 2015

You Remember The Boy Who Jumped Into Statehouse? Jaguar Does The Incredible For Him!

Less than a week ago a boy jumped into statehouse over the wall claiming that he wanted to meet the President Uhuru Kenyatta to fund his new song production. However the lad could not managed to meet the president as he was whisked away by the security.

On hearing the news Kenyan singer Jaguar launched a hunt for the boy in order to help him with his needs. The boy finally bore fruits as he finally found him today. Details emerged that the boy is a Form 1 drop out Subukia Secondary and Jaguar has vowed to take him back to school first before he sponsors his new song.

"Promised to look for him after jumping state house wall....nanimempata,Ako 16yrs and dropped school form 1 Subukia last term due to lack of fees...he has a song called Jubireee bt muziki baadaye kwanza arudi shule amalize..." said Jaguar.

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