
Sunday, June 21, 2015

Ladies Did You Know About These 7 ANNOYING HABITS That Piss Men Off So Badly?

1. Wearing smelly weaves.

2. Asking for airtime from boyfriends/prospective boyfriends.

3. Acquiring taste at someone else's expense - I mean asking for the most expensive drink that you can't even pronounce.

4. Fake accent!

5. Letting go of their bodies - a girl is 22 years old but has a hanging tummy!

6. Wearing clothes that don't fit them - That awkward moment when a girl keeps on pulling down your tight up skimpy dress when you knew very well its short.

7. Entitlement - That girl who expects you to do everything for her, for the sake of being a "gentleman"

Author Vinnie Omondi, Mpasho Writter.

Do you agree with him?

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