Obama Bashes Netanyahu (screenshot) |
The president's comments may not help his cause. For example, during an interview with Israel's Channel 2 network that aired yesterday, Obama squarely laid the blame for the failure of the peace process on Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.
Obama said that Netanyahu put "so many caveats, so many conditions" on talks with the Palestinian Authority "that it is not realistic to think that those conditions would be met any time in the near future. The danger here is that Israel as a whole loses credibility."
On Sunday, Netanyahu said this: "I remain committed to the idea that the only way we can achieve a lasting peace is through the concept of two states for two peoples -- a demilitarized Palestinian state that recognizes the Jewish nation state of Israel."
Exactly what are the conditions Obama is objecting to?
Let's be absolutely clear: It is not Israel that is refusing to talk. It is the Palestinians who won't talk because they refuse to recognize Israel's right to exist!
The Palestinians also continue to demand one half of Jerusalem. No one has explained how Israel will exist with one half of its capital in the hands of its enemies. It would be like ISIS demanding half of Washington, D.C.
Another issue on which the Palestinian Authority refuses to budge is the so-called "right of return" -- the demand that people who have never lived in Israel be allowed to move there. It is akin to the nonsensical open borders policy that many leftists demand of America. It would demographically bury Israel.
Yet knowing all of this, President Obama has the chutzpah to go on Israeli TV to blame Israel's leader for having too many unrealistic conditions for talks.
But Obama wasn't done. After accusing Netanyahu of sabotaging talks with the Palestinians, Obama once again threatened to punish Israel by withholding U.S. support at the United Nations, including allowing the U.N. to vote on Palestinian statehood.
Obama's Jewish Values While addressing the Adas Israel Congregation last month, Obama said that he believes in Jewish values and it was those Jewish values that "compel" him to worry about poor Palestinian children who are "trapped without opportunity."
If Obama is worried about the Palestinians' lack of opportunity, he should blame Hamas, not Israel. Look at what happened to Gaza after Israel gave it up. Hamas didn't build schools or hospitals or invest in job training programs to provide opportunity to Palestinian children. It turned Gaza into a launching pad for more rocket attacks against Israeli civilians.
Obama's supposed respect for Jewish values should cause him to worry about the lives of Israeli children, which multiple Muslim leaders are vowing to exterminate.
Gary Bauer is a conservative family values advocate and serves as president of American Values and chairman of the Campaign for Working Families
Tags: President Obama, bashes, Israel, Prime Minister, Benjamin Netanyahu, Palestinians, Gary Bauer, Campaign for Working Families To share or post to your site, click on "Post Link". Please mention / link to the ARRA News Service. and "Like" Facebook Page - Thanks!
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