
Saturday, May 9, 2015

Robert Alai Exposes Raila Badly. Reveals How Much His Website Launch Costed. You Will Be Shocked To See The Figures

This guy Robert Alai is just a Jack @ss. I just thought he got respect for Raila. Well I bet he must be that guy. He has finally revealed how much the whole website for Raila from development to launching costed and the figures are just unacceptable.

"What Raila needs is someone who can sell his brand. When he was approached with ideas of professional communication management, he was convinced otherwise by his family.

See how Winnie messed the website launch. Who does flash websites in this day and age? Who does such a poorly coded website for Raila?

When they told me that they wanted to go launch in iHub, I advised against it because Raila is bigger than iHub. I told them to look for a professional entity to do the whole thing. The problem is Winnie wanted to spend not more than 150,000/=. What do you get for 150k event organisers?

A premium event for 150k? What a joke. Again Noah Akala......... Siku moja nitasema. Complete fake @ss things. People have not a clue what they should do. They just want to be near Raila all the time. It is saddening. Very sad. Maybe we need to look beyond him now." said Alai.

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