
Saturday, May 9, 2015

Photos> Here is all About the Nudes of Mbita MP Millie Odhiambo saga!

Mbita MP Millie Odhiambo has dared a man who has blackmailing her that he would release her nude photos to make good his threats.
In a Facebook post, Millie revealed that a man called Elisha had warned her that he would give local media embarrassing photos of her unless she pays him off.
"Been away for a week on a visit to Israel by the Agriculture Committee. Upon return, one of the first messages I receive from a guy who calls himself Elisha is 'Somthng damng is on my hands and getting its way to the media, jatelo this might taint ur image than ever and probably destroy your stalng political career, plus some nude pics from a guy u cnt expct. snd me ur mail i send u da stafs u see. Urgent' (sic)," wrote the MP.
"I call the guy who speaks both English and Luo and who say his interest is to protect me and he is the one with whatever is meant to destroy me but I need to take care of him financially."
But the Cord iron lady told off the blackmailer to go ahead and publish.

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