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It Hasn't Gotten Much Better Anywhere in the Country |
A Congress given in 2014 a bi-cameral, bigger and deeper Republican majority – because of ObamaCare.
The Second Obamacare Election
Obamacare Opposition Drives 2014 Election Results
Health Insurance Cancellation Notices Soar Above ObamaCare Enrollment Rates
O-Care Premiums to Skyrocket
ObamaCare Deductibles Hit Patient Pocketbooks And Hospital Finances
CBO: ObamaCare to Cut Work Hours by Equivalent of 2 Million Jobs
How ObamaCare Hurts Job Creation
Joe Biden: Losing Your Job Because of ObamaCare 'Is About Freedom'
Not all of the news is terrible.
ObamaCare to Create 100,000s of Jobs in the Field of Explaining ObamaCare
And all of this nightmare mess is just at the federal level. How are the seventeen states that established their own ObamaCare exchanges doing?
It's no secret that ObamaCare's father is RomneyCare in Massachusetts, and as we look to the problems that plague a government run health care system, The Bay State is a good place to start. Case in point: corruption in the system.
Josh Archambault, senior fellow at the Foundation for Government Accountability has dug into the state's $1 billion ObamaCare exchange and found many discrepancies and issues that should concern everyone.
Oregon Gives Up On State ObamaCare Site, Switches to Federal Exchange
Oregon Spends $300 Million to Achieve 44 Total Signups for ObamaCare
The former governor and Hayes showed up at the Knott Landfill southeast of Bend in a pickup and an SUV about 2 p.m. last Friday and spent a few minutes dumping trash, according to Timm Schimke, the director of the Deschutes County Solid Waste Department….
(W)orkers recognized who they were dealing with and apparently decided the dumping might be of interest to law enforcement.
This is where the Republican Leadership can do some good politics - by engaging in some good policy.
You say you want to undo ObamaCare? A great move in that direction is to investigate the state-level ObamaCare catastrophes currently unraveling all across the country. They represent billions of federal dollars wasted - and billions (and BILLIONS) more to be thrown after bad.
And they all serve as outstanding visual aides for why federal ObamaCare is also irretrievably heinous.
We must get to the bottom of Oregon and Massachusetts (and the others we already know to be corrupt as well as collapsed) to begin to mitigate the damage inexorably coming from all the others – up to and including the federal.
That is, after all, your job.
It's good policy - that is also good politics.
For what, exactly, are you people waiting?
Seton Motley is the President of Less Government and he contributes to ARRA News Service. Please feel free to follow him him on Twitter / Facebook.

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