The Kenya Film Classification Board (KFCB) has banned the popular Wolf of WallStreet movie for various reason. According to Ms Redempta Amondi of the board, “the movie was banned after independent review because of explicit sexual content, profanity and abuse of drugs.”
The movie is based on the true story of Jordan Belfort who rose to a wealthy stockbroker living the high life to his fall involving crime, corruption and involvement in the government. It has a 8.7/10 rating on IMDB and runs for 180 minutes (3 hours).
The board has revealed that they got the movie through Fox Film Distributors which is the authorised local film distributor for the movie before having “the independent analysts” sit and decide if the movie was fit for public consumption. It is not clear why the movie was not given strict ratings to restrict consumptions instead of totally banning the movie.
The board has also revealed that this is not the first movie they have banned and it has nothing to do with the movie having any political content as “the analysts who sat and decided are totally independent minds.”
Redempta also revealed that KFCB recently banned “Movie 43” and “This the end.“
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