
Monday, January 4, 2021

Thoughts of a Marine

by Jeff Sheldon: From the beginning, the socialist/democrat leadership of the world has wanted to have a controllable, radical like Kamala Harris in place as President of the United States, if only to further their goal of world domination. They knew she could not get elected straight on, so they teamed her up with a more electable Joe Biden, as his vice-presidential running mate.

These socialist/communist leaders of the world now think Biden has won the election and are therefore putting in motion the second phase of their plan, which is to oust Biden, their Trojan horse. Once Biden is out, Harris, someone whom they control, becomes President of the United States. It's that easy!

So, over the next few months, providing Trump loses this rigged election, we are going to see more and more about how corrupt Biden is, that he is demented and too old and frail to govern.

"Not fit for office," will be the cry. This will all be recited to us by the mainstream media, who knew about it before the election but intentionally, and willfully refused to publicly acknowledge the scoundrel that Biden really is and, consequently, kept the weak, deranged, liberal masses in semi-darkness.

Now it will be played out by the mainstream media in the light of day for the liberal masses to view and, like the sheep they are, willingly accept. Biden then, either for the clichéd 'good of the Country' or by force of impeachment, will be removed from office and Harris becomes President of the United States. And, guess who the heroes will be? The mainstream media of course, at least to the deranged, liberal masses. That's the game plan as I see it.

Having said all of that and to be clearer, this is not just a rigged election that President Trump is battling, this is a far-reaching, coordinated warring being waged and organized by the partnered socialist, democrat party of the United States, the mainstream media of the world, the social media of the world and the many United States and foreign government entities, to include the FBI, the CIA, and, at least in part, the United States Congress. All working in a concerted effort to bring this President down. This is a war that is being fought in silence, a Coup d'état. President Trump is all who stands between free America, meaning you and me and a socialist/ communist takeover of our Country.

The only thing that can save us now is if President Trump turns the election and remains in power. Short of that happening I think we, as Americans, 'are done for'. We will never see another free and honest election.

Some say the American people will revolt, I don't think today's Americans have the gumption nor the nuts for that, but hope I am wrong. A few 'patriots' may go to war but I think Harris will be quick to sic the military on the 'revolutionaries'. And our military leadership, having been so politicized and intentionally dumbed down over the last two decades, will move in lockstep with President Harris to squash the American Revolutionaries, regardless and in abeyance of their sworn oaths.

Our Constitution, old and frail, like Joe Biden, will be out the door. America will be over and the socialist/communists/democrats will have triumphed. Your freedoms, all of them, will have been taken from you.

You don't think what I am saying can happen? Could you have imagined in December of 2019 that all that has gone down over the last 12 months could have happened? I don't think any of us could have, and it is going to continue at an even faster and more aggressive pace.

Trump won the election fair and square, this virus we have been subjected to was intentionally created and released on us by the Chinese Communists. All of what has gone on over these past many months was by design and executed in a coordinated effort to conquer America.

These are exciting times folks and they are changing rapidly. If we don't keep up, plan ahead, and act proactively we will lose. We are close to losing now. I can only hope that I am wrong about true Americans standing up for our Country, our Constitution, our President, and our way of life.

Semper Fi,
Jeff Sheldon (
Article shared by TurningPoint USA.
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