
Tuesday, December 15, 2020

Where My Hope Rests In This Election Crisis

by Mario Murillo: If you are looking for me to give you an easy answer, forget it. But, if you want a rock to build on—if you want a truth that will stiffen your resolve and give you a backbone—if you want to hear some reasons for fighting, then read on.

Here are the two things you must do first:

-You must never let go of your faith in an American miracle. No matter how this looks. No matter how impossible it may seem. You must never let go of your faith in that miracle.

-You must face the facts of your current situation, no matter how brutal they seem.

Here's why those two things are so urgent. This election is a test. It is a bitter test. It is a trial that goes to the very core of your soul. To pass this test, you must never give up. God and Satan have dramatically opposite purposes for this test.

In this horrendous time—in this crime that stole an election—in this fearsome discovery of what Communist China is trying to do to us, I have a great hope. But my hope is not in prophets, prophecies, or even in Trump. My greatest hope is in the character of God. I know Him, and I know what He does in situations like this.

I know God. I know His character. Those who know God and trust His character, are the ones that Daniel said would thrive in the evil of the last days. "…but the people who know their God shall be strong, and carry out great exploits" (Daniel 11:32). Those who will soon exploit this present darkness, know God Himself. They know Him even better than they know His prophecies. They know He always keeps His promises. They know He never fails!

For the last several weeks, many have been quoting this portion of 2 Chronicles 20:20, "Believe His prophets, and you shall prosper." This is found in the story of the great miracle victory that God gave to Judah and King Jehoshaphat.

God wants to use it to forever settle it in your life that it was God, and only God, Who got us out of this mess. God wants to use it to place you in the middle of the victory, and the celebration of that victory.

On the other hand, Satan wants to use it to permanently destroy your faith in miracles. He wants to humiliate your intercession, as well as your stand against abortion and immorality.
But, the most important thing the devil wants to do is to make sure you miss the victory celebration. Only those who stand against the storm—the vicious lies—and remain at their post, even after we have passed all the human deadlines, will feel the joy of our final victory. Proverbs 14:10 says, "The heart knows its own bitterness, and a stranger does not share its joy." Only those who suffer now, can celebrate then.

Now read this…

Once during a lady's luncheon at a large church, some women were gossiping about the pastor. They had no idea that his wife was seated at the table behind them. One of the women claimed that the pastor had said something he should not have said. The wife spun around and said, "He never said that." The lady who made the accusation retorted, "How do you know he didn't say it? You weren't even there." The response of the pastor's wife is the soul of this blog. She said, "I know him. He is incapable of making a statement like that."

In this horrendous time—in this crime that stole an election—in this fearsome discovery of what Communist China is trying to do to us, I have a great hope. But my hope is not in prophets, prophecies, or even in Trump. My greatest hope is in the character of God. I know Him, and I know what He does in situations like this.
I know God. I know His character. Those who know God and trust His character, are the ones that Daniel said would thrive in the evil of the last days. "…but the people who know their God shall be strong, and carry out great exploits" (Daniel 11:32). Those who will soon exploit this present darkness, know God Himself. They know Him even better than they know His prophecies. They know He always keeps His promises. They know He never fails!

For the last several weeks, many have been quoting this portion of 2 Chronicles 20:20, "Believe His prophets, and you shall prosper." This is found in the story of the great miracle victory that God gave to Judah and King Jehoshaphat.

I can't tell you the number of times I have read 2 Chronicles 20. That is why it shocked me that I had never seen this before. Then I saw that the king's hope for victory was in something deeper than the prophecy.

Read this portion of the chapter. See if you see it in Jehoshaphat's prayer:

"10 And now, here are the people of Ammon, Moab, and Mount Seir—whom You would not let Israel invade when they came out of the land of Egypt, but they turned from them and did not destroy them— 11 here they are, rewarding us by coming to throw us out of Your possession which You have given us to inherit. 12 O our God, will You not judge them? For we have no power against this great multitude that is coming against us; nor do we know what to do, but our eyes are upon You."
Just as the pastor's wife knew what her husband was capable of, so the king knew what God would do in a situation where Judah was helpless before a wicked enemy bent on destroying an innocent people. Jehoshaphat prayed, 'Will you not judge them? Because we are helpless and they are utterly wrong.'

Do you understand that the prophecy Judah received was merely instructions about how to see victory? The king already assumed victory was coming—because of the character of God.

Joe Biden is a puppet, bought and paid for by Communist China. We have a flurry of despicable villains. From Democrats, to social media, to Hollywood, to name just a few. Now let's look at what they have done. They have deceived. They have censored. They have committed great crimes.

Like Jehoshaphat, we have arrived at the same conclusion—a conclusion infinitely greater than any prophecy. Here's the situation: We are being stripped of our freedom. We are hated because we have opposed the unspeakable horror of abortion. We are being forced to shut down, be vaccinated, and toe the line of socialism.

Say it with Jehoshaphat: "Will you not judge them? We have no might against this great host…but our eyes are on You." Do not give up. Man does not decide the deadline, only God does.

David wrote, "O love the Lord, all you His saints! The Lord preserves the faithful, and plentifully pays back those who deal arrogantly. Be strong and let your heart take courage, all you who wait for, trust in, and expect the Lord! (Psalm 31:23-24 AMP)
Mario Murillo is an evangelist, minister, blogger.
Tags: Mario Murillo, Ministries, Where My Hope Rests. In This Election CrisisTo share or post to your site, click on "Post Link". Please mention / link to the ARRA News Service and "Like" Facebook Page - Thanks!


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