
Saturday, December 19, 2020

Standing for Biblical Truth in the Georgia Runoffs

by Tony Perkins: For most Americans, the election season is over, but that doesn't mean they're not paying attention to what is going on in Georgia, where not one, but two Senate seats and the Senate majority will be decided in a January 5th runoff election. 

With so much at stake for the future of our nation, the work to advance biblical truth continues. With just weeks to go until these important runoff elections, Georgians will play a huge role in the fate of our nation. Will Georgians allow our nation to slide into Marxism, the continued undermining of the nuclear family, defunding of police, funding of abortion, and more? Or will Georgians stand up for the first principles that made America great: faith, family, and freedom?

Faith Family Freedom Fund, the Super PAC associated with FRC Action, recently held a briefing for Georgia pastors. This event was designed to equip faith leaders and pastors with information on responding to the issues we are facing today, engaging in the public square, and navigating the upcoming runoffs. We were honored that Bishop Flynn Johnson of Metro City Church in Atlanta hosted the briefing with national and state faith and community leaders like Alveda King, Rep. Mark Walker (R-N.C.), Bishop Garland Hunt, Dean Nelson, Kelvin Cochran, and Tony Perkins.

This event was a time for encouragement and insight for pastors and faith leaders to gather and discuss the work at hand in Georgia. Dean Nelson opened the event by reminding those in attendance that "God owns everything, he owns the church and the state. He has authority over everything, and that means that we as Christians are called to go into every one of those areas and serve." Nelson also took the opportunity to remind pastors in attendance the importance of religious liberty domestically as well as internationally, the courts, and the vital role our government plays in protecting life. He took Democrat Senate candidate Rev. Raphael Warnock to task for his unabashed support of abortion and pointed out the racist, eugenicist beginnings of the nation's largest abortion supplier: Planned Parenthood.

Former Atlanta Fire Chief Kelvin Cochran joined the event and spoke about his experience facing discrimination from the city of Atlanta because he dared to express a view of sexuality aligned with Scripture. Bishop Hunt spoke about his spiritual formation and his commitment to pro-life, pro-family, and pro-religious freedom activism. Many others shared words of inspiration for Georgia pastors, who know what happens at the ballot box in a few short weeks will reverberate through history. Senator Kelly Loeffler, one of the Republican candidates, appeared in a special video message for the event as well.

We believe the pulpit is still the most powerful platform in the nation, not because of the voices of men, but because of the mission the Lord has given us: to make disciples of all nations. We know it is a privilege to host events like our recent Georgia Pastors Briefing, with key national, faith, and community leaders, because we know there is a calling to the Lord's people to take the gospel into government for the benefit of our families and neighbors.

The task in front of us is daunting, but by mobilizing the church and the community, we know we can make a difference for the Kingdom.

Be sure to view the entirety of this timely and important event.
Tony Perkins writes for FRC Action.
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