
Saturday, December 19, 2020

Sometimes You Need To Lose In Order To Win

by E.P. UNUM
: Now I recognize that the title of this very brief editorial piece may sound confusing and contradictory to many, but there is a certain logic to it. It really does make sense.

Sometimes you really do need to lose in order to win.

If that sounds crazy to you, here are a few things you absolutely need to lose if you hope to truly succeed:
  • Excuses
  • Negative people
  • Bad habits
  • Fearing change
  • Blaming others for our mistakes
  • Ego
  • Doubt
  • Proscrastination
If you are able to discard all of these, you are already a winner even before the contest, any contest begins. Sometimes when you lose, you gain. Yogi Berra and Casey Stengel would be proud.

And here's another kernel of wisdom from the incomparable Michael Jordan about success…

"Some people want it to happen; Some people wish it would happen; Some people just make it happen"

Have a very Merry Christmas and a Happy, Healthy New Year.
E.P. Unum is US!  H/T McIntosh Enterprises - Dec 18, 2020.

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