
Monday, December 21, 2020

Axios Report: Pentagon Halts Cooperation With Biden Transition Briefings

by Adam: Acting Defense Secretary Chris Miller ordered a Pentagon-wide halt to cooperation with the transition team of Joe Biden, according to an Axios report, so keep that in mind.

Top Biden officials say they were stunned by the surprise action and say they aren't sure what caused the halt or whether President Trump had approved it.

Given the volume of recent evidence of the Biden family China business dealings, money transfers, and relationships with key China spy officials, I wouldn't be surprised.

China has publicly stated that they want to take over the United States and have infiltrated top Congressmen, Senators, and many institutions within the United States, according to recent leaks.

The report says the Pentagon has downplayed the significance of the move but anyone with open eyes should have seen this coming, given the details on Hunter Biden's laptop that reveals close relationships with key Chinese Communist Party officials and spies, as well as the recently leaked statements from Chinese officials.

If true, one also has to wonder if this anything to do with the hack of top-level national security departments and recent report that DNI John Ratcliffe has confirmed that China, and others, did interfere in the November elections.

According to Axios:Pentagon official response: A senior Defense Department official sought to downplay the move, calling it "a simple delay of the last few scheduled meetings until after the new year."
  • "We had fewer than two dozen remaining meetings on the schedule today and next week," the official said, adding that "the DoD staff working the meetings were overwhelmed by the number of meetings."
  • "These same senior leaders needed to do their day jobs and were being consumed by transition activities. ... With the holidays we are taking a knee for two weeks. We are still committed to a productive transition."
Adam at Inside Scoop Politics.
Tags: Inside Scoop Politics, Adam, Axios Report, Pentagon Halts Cooperation, With Biden Transition BriefingsTo share or post to your site, click on "Post Link". Please mention / link to the ARRA News Service and "Like" Facebook Page - Thanks!

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