
Thursday, December 17, 2020

Arkansas Ranked the Most Pro-Life State in America

ARRA News Service: On Wednesday Americans United for Life announced that Arkansas is the most pro-life state in America. The pro-life organization ranks each state based on state laws protecting the unborn, the elderly, the disabled, and the terminally ill.

Family Council President Jerry Cox released a statement saying, "This is incredible news. Arkansans should be proud to live in a state that has the best laws in the nation when it comes to protecting innocent human life. That's something to be proud of."

Cox said that making Arkansas the most pro-life state in America has taken years of work by many different people. "Ten years ago Family Council joined with others in setting out to make Arkansas the most pro-life state in America. By working together, we have done that. Becoming the most pro-life state in America didn't happen overnight. This was the result of decades of hard work. Arkansas Right to Life has been fighting abortion for over forty years, and Family Council has been at it for more than thirty years. Arkansas' General Assembly has passed more than thirty good, pro-life bills since 2011. Governor Hutchinson has signed into law every pro-life bill that came across his desk.  Attorney General Rutledge has defended these good laws in court. Ministers, churches, everyday Arkansans, and many others all have worked very hard to make Arkansas a pro-life state."

Cox pointed out that abortion has declined significantly in Arkansas, and most Arkansans do not support abortion on demand. "Being number one is great, but it matters more that abortion is declining. Arkansas' abortion rate has been cut in half since the year 2000. The total number of abortions performed in Arkansas has plummeted in the past thirty years. Teen abortion in Arkansas sits at record lows today. Public opinion polling shows the vast majority of Arkansans believe abortion ought to be either completely illegal or legal only in certain circumstances. More than thirty pregnancy resource centers around the state help women and girls with unplanned pregnancies. When it's all said and done, Arkansans are incredibly pro-life."

Cox said being the most pro-life state in the country makes Arkansas a leader in the effort to end abortion. "As a pro-life leader, Arkansas can't stand still.  Our lawmakers have the opportunity to enact legislation that will let the federal courts dismantle Roe v. Wade and other pro-abortion decisions. Over the next year, Arkansans could play a major role in ending abortion in America."

Cox said even though Arkansas is the most pro-life state in the country, pro-life efforts are far from over. "Being the most pro-life state in America is something Arkansans can be proud of. It shows how far Arkansas has come. But there is still a lot of work to do. The ultimate goal is to end abortion and protect every unborn child. We look forward to continuing to defend the sanctity of human life and working to end abortion in Arkansas."
Jerry Cox is the founder and president of Family Council and the Education Alliance. Between fundraising, public speaking, leading the staff, lobbying, and writing, Jerry maintains an active role in ensuring that Family Council continues to serve the people of Arkansas as it has since 1989. He and his wife reside in Little Rock. They have four sons.
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