
Wednesday, December 23, 2020

A Christmas Message Of Hope, Joy, And Prophetic Defiance

by Mario Murillo Ministries: Are you exhausted from the relentless stream of bad news? Do you need to shake off the emotional roller coaster and raging disappointment that is 2020? The devil said, "This will be the worst Christmas of your life." The evil one said, "You will not have joy, hope, and family warmth this year."


Are you ready for an industrial strength Christmas—a Christmas of prophetic defiance? Are you ready to understand how God drops the hammer on evil? He does it when evil least expects it.

Let me borrow my prologue from a great narrator: "Submitted for your approval…"

I take you back two thousand and twenty years to the bed chamber of the most powerful man in the world. Listen carefully, Barack Obama, George Soros, Bill Gates, Mark Zuckerberg, and Oprah—this one's for you.

It was in the bed chamber of the most powerful man in the world that globalism was hatched. A sinister plot that was worldwide and unstoppable. Augustus Caesar decided to make everyone go back to their place of birth and register. This was the first global database. This was the first attempt to harvest everyone's private information in order to collect their money and control their lives.

All of his plans would have worked, except for one thing: Prophecy. Now I am going to tell you something that might take a little thought. But the thinking it requires will reap a great reward of peace and a deep sense of purpose.

What I want you to see are two words: Policy and Prophecy. I believe that the world is governed by those two forces. Policies are the laws and rules made up by men. Prophecies are the promises of the purposes of God that are assigned to specific generations.

Now, here is the big point: When policy and prophecy collide, prophecy always wins. A better way to say it is that when man makes a plan, God's word for that time will exploit and overrule that plan.

Listen to Psalm 76, beginning at verse 7: "You, Yourself, are to be feared; and who may stand in Your presence when once You are angry? 8 You caused judgment to be heard from heaven; the earth feared and was still, 9 when God arose to judgment, to deliver all the oppressed of the earth. Selah. 10 Surely the wrath of man shall praise You; with the remainder of wrath, You shall gird Yourself."

In the early stages of a collision between policy and prophecy, the righteous can look utterly helpless and their hope can look totally futile. On the other hand, tyrants can look omnipotent. The perfect example is Mary and Joseph on one side, and Augustus Caesar on the other.
The young couple are at the mercy of Rome. The edict couldn't have been handed down at a worse time. She is with child, and the law is cruel and indifferent to their plight. It looks as if all the wrong people are winning.

But the seed of final victory in this story was sown seven centuries before. It happened when a so-called 'minor' prophet said this: "But you, Bethlehem Ephrathah, though you are little among the thousands of Judah, yet out of you shall come forth to Me the One to be Ruler in Israel, Whose goings forth are from of old, from everlasting" (Micah 5:2).

Augustus signed the order that sent Mary and Joseph to Bethlehem, but prophecy swallowed policy.

So, before you let Christmas slide past you, stop and get an attitude. Before you let your guard down and give in to despair about a stolen election and the seemingly inevitable banishment of the rightful President, consider this: One more time the wrath of man will praise God. Yet again, prophecy will swallow policy.

All you villains and your voting machines, T.V. Networks and colossal tech companies have conspired to bring down America. You are just like Caesar as you lounge on your beds, oblivious to the God Who punches evil in the face.

Wake up villains! Donald Trump and the nearly 80 million Americans who voted for him are not just going to vanish. And you are painfully ignorant of something else: You don't know what America is. You just see a nation of quaint traditions that you despise.
America is a miracle. God loves America. Warts and all, God still loves America. If you knew what He was about to do, you would be quaking in your boots.

If you could walk alongside Mary and Joseph, knowing what you know now, on that long and disheartening journey from Nazareth to Bethlehem―and we are talking 90 miles of bad road—a road that mocked their poverty and her pregnancy, what would you say to them? What would you tell them?

You would undoubtedly tell them to hang in there, because something glorious—something beyond their comprehension is going to come out of this misery. And that is precisely what God is telling you right now. Hang on! Because every violent and cruel plan of man will be swallowed up by the Word of God!

"The Lord knows the days of the upright, and their heritage will abide forever. They shall not be put to shame in the time of evil…but the wicked shall perish, and the enemies of the Lord shall be as the fat of lambs [that is consumed in smoke]. They shall vanish; like smoke shall they be consumed!" (Psalm 37:18-20)
Mario Murillo is an evangelist, minister, blogger.
Tags: Mario Murillo, Christmas Message, Hope, Joy, Prophetic DefianceTo share or post to your site, click on "Post Link". Please mention / link to the ARRA News Service and "Like" Facebook Page - Thanks!


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