
Friday, November 8, 2019

Schiff Bloviates on 'Patriotic' Impeachment Inquiry

. . . "Whistleblower" attorney exposed as a leftist hack who called for a coup against Trump.
by Thomas Gallatin: Eleven days into President Donald Trump's presidency, the attorney currently representing the "whistleblower," Mark Zaid, tweeted, "#coup has started. First of many steps. #rebellion. #impeachment will follow ultimately."

Zaid was responding to Trump having just fired acting Attorney General Sally Yates over her refusal to uphold his temporary travel ban on several Muslim-majority countries. Later in July 2017, Zaid tweeted, "I predict @CNN will play a key role in @realDonaldTrump not finishing out his full term as president. We will get rid of him, and this country is strong enough to survive even him and his supporters." Isn't it amazing that Zaid's client is now at the center of that impeachment effort?

We have repeatedly noted ever since Trump won the election that Democrats have been committed to obstructing his agenda and, if possible, removing him from office. Following Robert Mueller's investigation blowing up in their faces, Democrats determined that coup attempt 2.0 would be fully under their control. Thus the current orchestrated "whistleblower" impeachment push.

House Intelligence Committee Chairman Adam Schiff, who has been orchestrating this entire impeachment coup attempt from the very beginning, sought to defend his and Democrats' actions in a USA Today op-ed. Schiff falsely claims to have engaged in this impeachment charade based entirely on nonpartisan motives. But as Zaid's statements make plain, nothing could be further from the truth.

First off, Schiff begs the question of Trump's guilt, claiming that he abused "the power of the presidency." Schiff then suggests that Trump's attempt to investigate the origins of the Russian-collusion hoax (coup 1.0) is the president seeking his own "personal, political interests." In fact, it is actually in the national interest of our republic that Trump investigate and ferret out those deep-state and foreign actors who sought to undermine a duly elected president.

Defending the Democrats' secretive impeachment inquiry, Schiff writes, "The interviews we have conducted have been thorough, professional and fair … in line with best investigative practices. … We have held these interviews in private to ensure that witnesses are not able to tailor their testimony to align with others at the expense of truth." If this were the case, then why did Schiff and company regularly and selectively leak portions of these testimonies to the press? How does this not muddy the waters, especially when every Democrat runs around declaring the president guilty of an impeachable offense?

Schiff then claims that all the witnesses are "dedicated, nonpartisan public servants" who "are American patriots and shining examples of what it means to defend and protect our Constitution." That's ridiculous, given that 99% of the political donations from these "nonpartisan public servants" within the State Department went to Hillary Clinton. That doesn't appear very nonpartisan to most folks. Furthermore, calling deep-state actors who worked to resist and ultimately to impeach a duly elected president is anything but "patriotic." Zaid was closer with his hashtags of "coup" and "rebellion."
Thomas Gallatin is a contributing author and staff analyst at The Patriot Post.

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