
Friday, November 8, 2019

Coup Has Started, Order In The Courts, Misplaced Priorities, Needs Your Support

Gary Bauer
by Gary Bauer, Contributing Author: "Coup Has Started"
Mark Zaid is not a household name. Not yet at least. But you're probably going to hear a lot about him in the days ahead. Zaid is one of the lawyers representing the CIA leaker who colluded with Adam Schiff's staffers on the House Intelligence Committee to trigger the impeachment of President Trump.

As we noted in yesterday's report, Donald Trump, Jr., named the alleged "whistleblower" in a tweet yesterday -- Eric Ciaramella. But I want to focus on Mr. Zaid.

Fox News has examined Zaid's social media accounts and discovered a startling degree of hostility toward the president that began from the very beginning of Trump's administration. Consider these few examples:
  • On January 30, 2017, reacting to news that President Trump had fired Acting Attorney General Sally Yates, an Obama holdover, Zaid tweeted this: "#coup has started. First of many steps. #rebellion. #impeachment will follow ultimately."
  • Zaid repeated his threat of a coup the same day in response to Trump naming Yates' replacement, tweeting: "#coup has started. As one falls, two more will take their place. #rebellion #impeachment."
  • In May, Zaid tweeted about past presidential impeachments: "Johnson (1868), Nixon (1973), Clinton (1998) impeachment hearings. Next up @realDonaldTrump (2017)."
  • A few weeks later, he commented on Watergate, tweeting: "45 years from now we might be recalling stories regarding the impeachment of @realDonaldTrump. I'll be old, but will be worth the wait."
  • On July 1, 2017, Zaid wrote that he'd rather be in Canada: "Since Jan 20th, I would much rather be in Canada. What a great country! We'll be great again when @realDonaldTrump leaves."
  • Responding the same day to another anti-Trump progressive, Zaid tweeted: "It's very scary. We will get rid of [Trump], and this country is strong enough to survive even him and his supporters. We have to."
  • A few days later, on July 4th, Zaid tweeted: "I predict @CNN will play a key role in @realDonaldTrump not finishing out his full term as president."
Notice how Zaid's contempt extends beyond Donald Trump and includes "his supporters." You know, those 63 million "deplorable and irredeemable" Americans.

Fox News adds that Zaid shamelessly pitched his anti-Trump efforts to left-wing Hollywood celebrities, including Cher, Debra Messing and Rob Reiner.

He even attempted to offer his services to -- wait for it -- Michael Avenatti of Julie Swetnick fame. As you may recall, Avenatti is currently facing trial for defrauding his clients and attempting to extort Nike. I think that speaks volumes about Zaid's credibility.

Zaid's call for a "coup" and "rebellion" should not be dismissed. This should be a huge story. It should be reported as such, but I'm not holding my breath.

Zaid should be investigated, and the Deep State leaker should be investigated. It is likely that the alleged "whistleblower" broke the law by failing to disclose his contacts with Adam Schiff's staff.

Order In The Courts!
I was honored to join dozens of conservative leaders at the White House yesterday for a ceremony celebrating President Trump's record number of judicial appointments.

So far, the president has nominated and the Republican Senate has confirmed more than 150 judges, including two Supreme Court justices, in less than three years! And there will be more in the weeks and months ahead.

The president is ecstatic over these opportunities, and conservatives who care about the Constitution, the rule of law, religious liberty and the right to life should be grateful. When it comes to defending the values of faith, family and freedom, appointing the right judges is perhaps the most important thing any president can do.

But there is a long way to go. You can't undo eight years of Obama appointments in just three or four years. To fundamentally reform the federal courts and fully restore balance to the judiciary, President Trump needs a second term. And if he gets it, we have a tremendous opportunity.

Two of the Supreme Court's liberal justices are 81 and 86 years old. If President Trump gets four more years, we could have a 7-to-2 conservative majority!

Misplaced Priorities
Columnist Terry Jeffrey notes that we could be headed for a government shutdown due to the misplaced priorities of Speaker Nancy Pelosi and House Democrats. President Trump is asking Congress for $5 billion in border security funding. But House Democrats have approved only $1.3 billion.

And there's a huge catch: The funds are specifically designated for enhancing "the border security of nations adjacent to conflict areas including Jordan, Lebanon, Egypt, and Tunisia resulting from actions of the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria."

In other words, Democrats will spend your money to secure the borders of Jordan, Lebanon, Egypt and Tunisia, but not the borders of California, Arizona, New Mexico and Texas.

Senate Republicans are offering the president the full $5 billion he requested to secure the southern border. Whether Pelosi and her squad of socialists are willing to compromise remains to be seen.

Campaign for Working Familes PAC needs YOUR support today.
On November 8, 2016, America dodged a disaster. Had Hillary Clinton prevailed, she would have filled the vacant Scalia seat on the Supreme Court and Anthony Kennedy's seat a year later.

Her appointments would have tipped the balance on the high court to a 6-to-3 liberal super-majority. Everything we care about -- the sanctity of life, religious liberty, the Second Amendment, and so much more -- would have been lost for a generation or more.

Thankfully, Donald Trump and Mike Pence prevailed. We are making tremendous progress across the board!
  • Historic tax cuts.
  • Millions of new jobs created.
  • Record low minority unemployment.
  • Defunding Planned Parenthood.
  • More than 150 judicial confirmations, including two Supreme Court justices.
  • Building a wall to secure our border.
But the battle is far from over. In fact, it never ended.

The left refuses to accept the results of the 2016 elections. Led by a "Squad" of radical socialists, Nancy Pelosi is trying to impeach President Trump! The left won't wait until 2020 to get rid of Trump.

As the Democrat debates have demonstrated, the radical fringe is driving the Democrat agenda. The candidates are embracing extreme positions on every issue imaginable -- from late-term abortion and infanticide to gun confiscation, massive tax increases to free healthcare for illegal aliens, banning fossil fuels to appeasing Iran.

No position is too extreme for these candidates! Incredibly, some have even suggested that churches and faith-based organizations teaching and promoting the biblical definition of marriage and family should be stripped of their tax exemptions -- fined for their faith!

That's how extreme today's Democrat Party has become.

I know some Republicans may be upset by the president's tweets or put off by his aggressive style. I have even heard some suggest that losing in 2020 would allow our politics to "return to normal," that Joe Biden "wouldn't be that bad."

Perhaps you've had friends or family members say something similar.

They couldn't be more wrong!

Joe Biden, the supposed "moderate" in the field, is calling for a $700 billion expansion of Obamacare, free healthcare for illegal aliens and taxpayer funding of abortion!

In fact, the McClatchy news service recently ran this headline after analyzing Biden's platform: "Biden Is Labeled A Moderate. But His Agenda Is Far More Liberal Than Hillary Clinton's."

Just consider these excerpts from the McClatchy report:

"On nearly every major issue, Biden has either exponentially increased the scope of what Clinton proposed or advocated for new ideas that most Democrats would have up until recently considered fringe.

"The former vice president's embrace of an unabashedly liberal agenda cuts against some perceptions of him. . . it also underlines just how much — and how rapidly — the Democratic Party has changed in the three years since Clinton was its standard bearer."

Think about this: How does a "President Biden" restrain the left? The answer is obvious -- it doesn't.

Socialists would dominate his cabinet and key positions throughout the government. The radicals who smeared Justice Brett Kavanaugh and who are now demanding Trump's impeachment and Kavanaugh's impeachment would be emboldened.

If the left prevails next November, everything we have accomplished would be undone.
Here's something else to keep in mind: The left's rage isn't just about Donald Trump. The progressive left despises you and me and every one of the 63 million Americans who voted for Donald Trump.

Don't forget that we are "deplorable and irredeemable."

The only thing that can hold back the progressive assault on America is another victory for the Trump/Pence team!

And if we succeed, there are tremendous opportunities ahead.

For example, Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg is 86. Justice Stephen Breyer is 81. If President Trump makes two more Supreme Court appointments, we could have a 7-to-2 conservative majority!

Of course, we also need to hold the Senate so we can continue to confirm President Trump's conservative nominees.

I am committed to doing everything I can to secure a conservative victory in 2020.
  • We MUST reelect President Trump and Vice President Pence.
  • We MUST hold the Senate.
  • We MUST retake the House from Nancy Pelosi and her socialist Squad.
But in order for us to continue educating and mobilizing conservative voters. . . Exposing the lies of the liberal media. . . And supporting pro-family, pro-life, pro-Trump candidates. . . CWF MUST rebuild our war chest now.
Gary Bauer (@GaryLBauer)  is a conservative family values advocate and serves as president of American Values and chairman of theCampaign for Working Families

Tags: Gary Bauer, Campaign for Working Families, Coup Has Started, Order In The Courts, Misplaced Priorities, Needs Your Support To share or post to your site, click on "Post Link". Please mention / link to the ARRA News Service and "Like" Facebook Page - Thanks!

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