
Tuesday, August 22, 2017

Another Fake Racial Crisis Created by the ?Jefferson ? Jackson? Democrats

by Tom Balek, Contributing Author: The stock market and corporate profits are up. Unemployment and food stamp dependence is down. Wages are increasing. Illegal immigration is decreasing. Consumer confidence continues to outstrip expectations.

The quality of life for Americans of all sizes, shapes, sexes, colors, and beliefs is on the upswing, there's no denying it. If you ask your neighbors and friends how things are going, you will almost certainly hear that life is good here in America, and getting better.

But according to the liberal news media and all Democrats, America is in desperate crisis.

There is indeed a desperate crisis, but it's not America that is in peril. It's the Democrat party. Having lost the House, the Senate, and now the White House, plus a vast majority of state and local offices, Democrats face extinction if they can't stop their slide to the ash heaps of political history.

At the close of the Clinton/Obama era Democrats find themselves without any credible leaders. Decades of hard-left indoctrination in the nation's schools has squeezed senior socialists Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren to the front of the 'Crat Pack, but their tired Marxist economic policies have already failed all over the world, and are very visibly imploding in Venezuela even today.

So what is the Democrats' only hope for holding on to a shred of relevancy in today's political landscape? Crisis. They must have a crisis to implant fear in the public-school-softened minds of Americans and immigrants. The only way they can mobilize support is to create fear and then promise to protect the afraid.

The Charlottesville "protest" is the latest crisis crafted by Democrats via their captive news media machine. The mayor of Charlottesville, Michael Signer, and his vice-mayor, Wes Bellamy, have been working on this for years. With direction and resources from Virginia governor Terry McAuliffe and the DNC, plus the George Soros-funded Democrat "resistance" organizations, Signer and Bellamy set up a staged confrontation; the "perfect storm" for media manipulation. In one corner, a few overzealous right-wing activists (photographs show about three dozen "Unite the Right" activists with eight or ten confederate flags) who would be portrayed as a huge mob of blood-thirsty, inhuman racists. In the other a group of hired, masked Antifa thugs who would play the role of virtuous defenders of the abused, helpless victims of racism. Behind them, a mass of innocent "peace marchers." Then they would blame President Trump and everyone who voted for him for causing the whole mess.

Mayor Signer was well-prepared and motivated for the battle he created. He worked as a senior policy advisor for the Center of American Progress, a radical left-wing George-Soros funded organization, and has made a career of promoting racial discord. Under John Podesta, Signer served the Hillary Clinton campaign, developing strategies to foment racial discord as a means to win minority votes.

And vice-mayor Bellamy is a real piece of work. He has made no secret of his hatred for whites or women, having tweeted such gems as: "I don't like white people, so I hate white snow," and "White women smell like future assault charges n deli meat." I won't repeat the really vulgar ones in this post. Bellamy was forced to resign his teaching position at a local high school but still draws his paycheck from the taxpayers while spending virtually all of his time promoting racial animus. His friend and enabler Governor Terry McAuliffe appointed him to the state school board.

Democrats have long favored the Marxist "crisis theory" as a means to disrupt the comfort level of citizens and distract them from their party's failures and/or the success of their political opponents. Obama acolyte Rahm Emanuel famously quipped, "You never want a serious crisis to go to waste." Democrats have learned that they don't have to wait for a "good crisis" when they can just create one. Don't think for a moment that events like this "just happen." #FakeEvents is a major component of #FakeNews.

The police followed an apparent "stand-down order" when, as witnesses reported, the paid leftist Antifa thugs launched their physical attack. Some say the groups were intentionally funneled toward each other to light the fuse.

But the Democrats haven't perfected the fake crisis play. The utter hypocrisy may be their undoing. Mike Huckabee told Maria Bartiromo on today's Sunday Futures, "Maybe Trump should agree to take down all the confederate statues in the country. And then tell the Democrats that they had better never hold another "Jefferson – Jackson Fundraising Day" celebrating the founders of their party – who just happened to be slave owners."
Tom Balek is a fellow conservative activist, blogger, musician and contributes to the ARRA News Service. Tom resides in South Carolina and seeks to educate those too busy with their work and families to notice how close to the precipice our economy has come. He blogs at Rockin' On the Right Side

Tags: Tom Balek, Rockin' On The Right Side, Another Fake Racial Crisis, Created by, Jefferson – Jackson, democrats To share or post to your site, click on "Post Link". Please mention / link to the ARRA News Service and "Like" Facebook Page - Thanks!

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