
Thursday, June 30, 2016

'Zika Bill Is Blocked By Senate Democrats'

Guaranteeing That Congress Won't Get Legislation To President Obama's Desk This Month'

Democrats Opposing Funding to Save Lives
 From Zika Virus Unless The Senate Funds
More Abortions Via Planned Parenthood.
Editorial Cartoon by AF Branco
WALL STREET JOURNAL: "After spending months demanding more funding to combat the Zika virus, [Democrats] voted down their own priority to foment the chaos they believe will work to their political benefit in the fall." (Editorial, "The Zika Democrats," The Wall Street Journal, 6/28/2016)

SEN. MITCH MCCONNELL (R-KY): "Democrats are working hard to spin this, but families don't want excuses, they want action. Yesterday, Senate Democrats listened to the demands of a partisan special interest group and turned their backs on women's health and fighting Zika." (Sen. McConnell, Floor Remarks, 6/29/16)

'Senate Democrats On Tuesday Blocked A Critical Funding Measure Needed To Combat The Spreading Zika Virus'

THE HILL: 'Senate Democrats Block Zika Agreement Ahead Of Recess' "Senate Democrats on Tuesday blocked a deal providing funding for the fight against the Zika virus, virtually guaranteeing that Congress won't get legislation to President Obama's desk this month." ("Senate Democrats Block Zika Agreement Ahead Of Recess," The Hill, 6/28/16)

NEW YORK TIMES: 'Zika Bill Is Blocked By Senate Democrats…' "Senate Democrats on Tuesday blocked a federal spending bill that would have provided $1.1 billion to fight the mosquito-borne Zika virus…" ("Zika Bill Is Blocked by Senate Democrats Upset Over Provisions," The New York Times, 6/28/16)

WASHINGTON EXAMINER: 'Senate Dems Block House Zika Funding' "Senate Democrats on Tuesday blocked a critical funding measure needed to combat the spreading Zika virus, a move that will now make it impossible for Congress to send legislation to President Obama before July 4." ("Senate Dems Block House Zika Funding," Washington Examiner, 6/28/16)

POLITICO: 'Democrats Block Zika Funding bill…' "Democrats are more open to criticism… the minority party is comfortable with the politics of blocking the Zika bill…" ("Democrats Block Zika Funding Bill, Blame GOP," Politico, 6/28/16)

AP: 'Senate Democrats Block GOP's Bill To Fund Zika Fight' "Senate Democrats on Tuesday blocked a Republican proposal to provide $1.1 billion to fight the Zika virus…" ("Senate Democrats Block GOP's Bill To Fund Zika Fight," AP, 6/29/16)

WASHINGTON TIMES: 'Senate Democrats Block Zika Funding Bill' "Senate Democrats launched a filibuster Tuesday to stop $1.1 billion to combat the Zika virus…" ("Senate Democrats Block Zika Funding Bill," The Washington Times, 6/28/16)

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