
Friday, June 24, 2016

Trump Earns Praise, Clueless Kerry, Sitting On The Second Amendment

by Gary Bauer, Contributing Author: Trump Earns High Praise - Donald Trump's speech yesterday tearing into Hillary Clinton and offering his vision for the future pleased conservatives, surprised critics and terrified the left. For example, former Bush Press Secretary Ari Fleischer, who has been highly critical of Trump, said yesterday, "Today, [Trump] made an effective and powerful case against Hillary."

"It wasn't just a rant. It wasn't just anger," Fleischer added. "There was something uplifting about his notion of what America used to be for people who want to move up."

My friend Mark Levin, who like me endorsed Senator Ted Cruz, called Trump's speech "outstanding," adding that it was "a very good speech." Yes, there were parts he did not like, but when Trump went after Hillary, Levin said he "hit it out of the park."

Even liberal reporters were "impressed." National Public Radio's political correspondent Mara Liasson said, "It's the speech Republicans have been itching to hear. . . Trump gave them exactly what they wanted."

And Michelle Goldberg of the left-wing outfit Slate wrote, "Donald Trump's Wednesday morning speech about Hillary Clinton's record is probably the most unnervingly effective one he has ever given."

Clueless Kerry - Addressing attendees at an interfaith iftar on Monday, Secretary of State John Kerry gave a speech in which he condemned the "bigoted and hateful rhetoric" of those concerned about our lax immigration and refugee policies.

"There is absolutely no evidence, my friends, zero evidence, that refugees who make it through this arduous process, pose any greater threat to our society than the members of any other group," Kerry said. "And it is important for people to know that."

I agree that it is important for the American people to know the truth. But as we saw from the IRS scandal, Hillary's deleted emails, Obama's repeated lies about Obamacare and the attorney general's attempts to whitewash transcripts earlier this week, we should not expect the truth from this administration!

So here are some facts from an analysis conducted by the Senate Judiciary's Subcommittee on Immigration:
  • Between September 11, 2001 and December 31, 2014, 580 individuals were convicted in the United States on terrorism charges.
  • Of those 580 people, 380 -- 66% -- were foreign born.
  • Of those 380, 33 were here illegally on expired visas.
  • And of those 380 foreign born terrorists, 24 were allowed into the United States as refugees.
  • In addition, the committee identified "at least 131 additional individuals who have been implicated in terrorism [not convicted or still awaiting trial] since early 2014. At least 54 of these individuals are foreign-born and 16 of them were initially admitted to the United States as refugees."
Keep in mind, friends, that Obama is vowing to bring in at least 10,000 Syrian refugees, and Hillary Clinton says we should bring in at least 500% more.

Democrats Sitting Down On The Job - Yesterday, Democrats staged a sit-in on the House floor. It continued all day long, effectively shutting down the House. Eventually, Republicans decided to pack-up and leave for the July Fourth recess, and adjourned around 3:00 a.m. But the Democrat disruptors stayed until 1:00 this afternoon. They did this in response to the Orlando shootings -- not to talk about terrorism or immigration, but to demand restrictions on your Second Amendment rights.

The political left in America not only wants us to follow the economic policies that have turned Venezuela into a pit of despair, but they are bringing heavy-handed Venezuelan tactics of muscle and extra-legal actions to American politics.

Remember when candidate Obama instructed leftists to get in people's faces? Remember when he said, "If they bring a knife, we bring a gun"? From Occupy Wall Street to Black Lives Matter and the fascist mob violence at Trump rallies, average, hard-working Americans have been harassed and assaulted by left-wing thugs.

And when they aren't using muscle to disrupt the process, they thumb their noses at every rule of the Republic. Don't like marriage laws? Ignore them. Don't like immigration law? Suspend it. Don't like religious liberty? Squash it. Can't shut down Gitmo? Empty it.

On some occasions Obama's actions have been so extreme, the Supreme Court has struck him down 9-to-0.

Sadly, because the GOP can't find a way to stop him, Democrats across the country are copying Obama's example. The Democrat governor of Virginia unilaterally restored voting rights to hundreds of thousands of convicted felons, including rapists and murders, for the sole reason of attempting to guarantee Hillary Clinton's election.

Kudos to Rep. Louie Gohmert, a stalwart conservative champion. Gohmert had enough of the Democrats' antics and engaged them on the House floor. There was a heated exchange and Gohmert yelled, "Radical Islam killed these people!" He's right. But Democrats refuse to face reality.

Sitting On The Second Amendment - Let's ponder the actual substance of this publicity stunt for a moment. Forty-nine Americans are dead in just the latest attack by a Muslim supremacist. This follows on the heels of other terrorist attacks like the Boston Marathon bombing and the shootings at Fort Hood, Chattanooga and San Bernardino.

Yet in response to these jihadist atrocities, left-wing congressmen immediately devised a way to distract from the facts and attack your right to defend yourself. Until now, there was nothing else so important, but when they saw the opportunity to attack the Second Amendment, they launched an unprecedented sit-in.

They did not do this when it became apparent that our veterans were being abused. There were no sit-ins demanding a serious strategy to crush ISIS.

One of the leaders of this sit-in is Rep. John Lewis of Georgia. Many of his constituents are faithful churchgoers. Yet there were no sit-ins to protest Obama's repeated attacks on religious liberty or to defend the meaning of marriage.

Black unemployment is a national scandal. How about a sit-in demanding that the teachers' unions get out of the way and let inner city schools be reformed? How about a sit-in demanding that the borders be secured so blacks and other Americans don't have to compete with illegal immigrants for jobs?

Top government officials have testified that we cannot fully vet Middle Eastern refugees. Yet these left-wing extremists have never staged a sit-in to demand that the government stop endangering the American people by reforming our immigration and refugee policies.

Every House Democrat who participated in that demonstration rails against corporate bankers and greedy CEOs. But not one has held a sit-in demanding Hillary Clinton produce the transcripts of her secret speeches to these corporate titans.

I could go on. But you get the point. The one thing the left feels so strongly about is taking away your rights.
Gary Bauer is a conservative family values advocate and serves as president of American Values and chairman of the Campaign for Working Families

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