
Thursday, June 30, 2016

Terror In Turkey, Willful Blindness, The People's Spring

by Gary Bauer, Contributing Author: Terror In Turkey - As Ramadan draws to a close, Istanbul's Ataturk airport became the scene of the latest Islamic-inspired atrocity. Late yesterday afternoon, three suicide bombers staged a coordinated attack similar to the March attack at an airport in Brussels, Belgium. Forty-one people were killed and more than 230 were wounded.

Some suggest that the attack may have been retaliation for Turkey restoring formal ties with Israel this week. It has also been noted that the attack occurred on the second anniversary of ISIS formally declaring its caliphate.

Honestly, I don't care why they did this. I'm not losing sleep trying to comprehend why they kill. Nor am I conflicted over why they hate us.

What does keep me awake at night is the fear that our politically correct leadership is unwilling to do what is necessary to defend Western Civilization and prevent us from falling into another dark age.

By the way, the Obama Administration hasn't said much today. I suspect it is hard to exploit this latest attack to make the cause for gun control since the jihadists used bombs.

But I do recall Attorney General Loretta Lynch saying after the Orlando carnage that "Our most effective response to terror . . . is . . . love." I can't imagine why they didn't want to repeat that pearl of wisdom today. [Sarcasm alert!]

So, who is it we're supposed to love today? Certainly not the jihadists.

The victims? Well, shouldn't we be trying to enact policies to make sure there aren't any more victims? One approach might be stopping people from coming into the United States who might be like those who just blew up the airport in Turkey.

Crushing the ideology of Muslim supremacism and ridding the world of these death worshippers would be the greatest act of love we could do for the entire planet -- especially those in the Muslim world who do desire peace.

"Willful Blindess" - Senator Ted Cruz led an important hearing yesterday in the Senate Judiciary Committee on the Obama Administration's "willful blindness" and deliberate deemphasizing of radical Islam in its efforts to fight terrorism.

As Senator Cruz correctly noted, "We cannot defeat radical Islamic terrorism without acknowledging it exists and directing our resources to stop it . . . You cannot fight an enemy you do not acknowledge, you pretend does not exist and you refuse to confront."

Not surprisingly, the Obama White House's disdain for Congress, a co-equal branch of government, was on full display during the hearings. Officials from the Justice Department and the FBI invited to testify on behalf of the administration refused to attend. They would not have ignored the committee's request without the blessing of the White House.

Senator Cruz noted their absence, saying, "No one from this administration is even willing to show up and defend their scrubbing of anti-terror materials." (Did you hear about any of this on the evening news last night?)

By the way, it seems Obama's bureaucrats aren't the only ones obsessed with political correctness.

Remember how the left rushed to condemn the Orlando attacks as an anti-gay hate crime? Then they made the debate all about guns, while Republicans tried to argue it was radical Islamic terrorism.

Well, the next time dozens of Americans are slaughtered by a jihadist, Al Qaeda wants to make sure there is no confusion about the cause. The Islamist group has instructed its operatives in the West to target "areas where the Anglo-Saxon community is generally concentrated."

The command to target white people is clear: "This is in order not to deviate the essence of the operation and letting it be termed as a small issue as the American media is trying to portray in the case of Mateen. . . The media tried to portray the operation motives to be against a particular group of people in order to turn the American public away from the real motives of the operation."

How much more of this can we take?!

While the jihadists scream, "Allahu Akbar," Obama, Clinton and the Democrats refuse to admit that it has anything to do with Islam.

Even though Omar Mateen publicly pledged his allegiance to radical Islam, the left insisted the Orlando attack was about gays and guns.

Now Al Qaeda is instructing its jihadists to kill only white people whenever possible so the left can't make any more excuses. Wake me up from this eight year nightmare!

"The People's Spring" - You probably missed it, but CNBC devoted live coverage yesterday to a pro-E.U. demonstration in London's Trafalgar Square. Hundreds of young Brits wanted to make it absolutely clear that they were not British, they were Europeans.

It reminded me of another generation of young Brits who once voted overwhelmingly to no longer fight for King and Country. That was 1933, just as Adolf Hitler was coming to power. These idealistic youth had learned all the wrong lessons of World War I. Just a few years later, many would end up fighting and dying for their country.

The chic internationalism on display in Trafalgar Square has infected many of our own youth. To those demonstrators I would say this: If you are ever on a humanitarian trip to Africa, a noble cause to be sure, and suddenly find yourself a hostage of Boko Haram or ISIS, I can guarantee that it won't be the E.U. that saves you. It will be the special forces of the great nation of your birth (or perhaps the United States) for which you show such disdain.

In the wake of last week's stunning Brexit vote, Marine Le Pen, president of the National Front party in France, penned an op-ed for the New York Times. Like the song of angry men from the popular play Les Miserables, her column portends what she calls the "the People's spring," the people of sovereign nations rising up against their globalist masters to reclaim their freedom.

Here are a few excerpts:

"British voters understood that . . . behind the debates of financial experts, only one question, at once simple and fundamental, was being asked: Do we want an undemocratic authority ruling our lives, or would we rather regain control over our destiny?

"Brexit is, above all, . . . about the free choice of a people deciding to govern itself. Even when it is touted by all the propaganda in the world, a cage remains a cage, and a cage is unbearable to a human being in love with freedom. . .

"More and more, the destiny of the European Union resembles the destiny of the Soviet Union, which died from its own contradictions.

"The People's Spring is now inevitable! The only question left to ask is whether Europe is ready to rid itself of its illusions, or if the return to reason will come with suffering. I made my decision a long time ago: I chose France. I chose sovereign nations. I chose freedom."
Sounds almost Reaganesque!
Gary Bauer is a conservative family values advocate and serves as president of American Values and chairman of the Campaign for Working Families

Tags: Gary Bauer, Campaign for Working Families, Terror In Turkey, Willful Blindness, The People's Spring, Clinton / Trump Tied To share or post to your site, click on "Post Link". Please mention / link to the ARRA News Service. and "Like" Facebook Page - Thanks!

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