
Friday, June 24, 2016

Stunning Victory against Obama on Immigration

Eagle Forum: We just won a stunning victory against Obama on immigration!

This morning the U.S. Supreme Court delivered a spectacular victory to us on the all-important immigration issue, by deadlocking 4-4 in the case of United States v. Texas, 15-674. This decision leaves in place the nationwide injunction against the 2014 scheme by Obama to grant rights to illegal aliens for them to stay and work here. Hooray!

Obama's program would have allowed four million illegal aliens to remain in our country and take jobs away from Americans. But 26 states sued to stop it. A courageous federal judge in Brownsville, Texas, issued an injunction against Obama to prevent his program from taking effect, and the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit upheld his ruling.

Liberals were confident they would win this case on appeal to the U.S. Supreme Court. The tragic loss of Justice Scalia from the 9-member High Court weakened our side on this issue.

But several of our Eagles did not give up. Eagle Forum Education & Legal Defense Fund filed an amicus brief to stand up for our sovereignty and against the liberal plan to change our country through illegal immigration. Many business and church groups, along with nearly 200 members of Congress, were on the wrong side of this issue. Several otherwise conservative groups were notably absent.

This morning we prevailed, and the liberal media are in shock. Obama has suffered one of the worst setbacks of his entire tenure. His illegal plan to fundamentally change the United States through illegal immigration remains blocked.

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