
Wednesday, June 29, 2016

?Senate Dems Block House Zika Funding? - Dem's New Message Appears To Be: Let 'em die!

Sen. McConnell (R-KY): 'Pregnant Women All Across America Are Looking At This With Dismay, Utter Dismay'
"Senate Democrats on Tuesday blocked a $1.1 billion Zika virus funding package…" ("Zika Funding Bill Blocked In The Senate," The Washington Post's 'PowerPost' Blog, 6/28/16)
'Reprehensible For Senate Democrats To Block Funding That Is Needed To Help Keep Americans Safe'

SENATE MAJORITY LEADER MITCH McCONNELL (R-KY): "So here we are in an utterly absurd position, playing political games, as this public health crisis mounts here in our country. Pregnant women all across America are looking at this with dismay, utter dismay. As we sit here in a partisan gridlock manufactured by the other side over issues that's pretty hard for the general public to understand, refusing to pass the funds needed to address this public health concern." (Sen. McConnell, Floor Remarks, 6/28/16)

SEN. JOHN CORNYN (R-TX): "Over the past few weeks, our Democratic friends have repeatedly stressed the urgency of this matter... For the President and some of our colleagues who have been insistent that we act on this now to say well, we're going to filibuster it or that the President will actually veto it is really pretty hard to get your head around. Unless, of course, you conclude that it's completely disingenuous and irresponsible." (Sen. Cornyn, Press Release, 6/27/2016)

SEN. JOHN THUNE (R-SD): "Again and again, Democrats suggested that they were fiercely committed to fighting Zika ... [H]ere's what I see today. I see Republicans ready to pass a Zika bill and send it to the president this minute, right now. And I see Democrats who are more interested in pacifying a Democrat special interest group than they are than actually doing anything about Zika." (Sen. Thune, Floor Remarks, 6/28/2016)

SEN. ROY BLUNT (R-MO): "The Zika virus poses a serious public health threat, and it would be reprehensible for Senate Democrats to block funding that is needed to help keep Americans safe, particularly pregnant mothers and their babies." (Sen. Blunt, Press Release, 6/28/2016)

'820 Confirmed Zika Cases In The Continental U.S.'

"There are 820 confirmed Zika cases in the continental U.S., according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Within the past week, there have been 202 new cases…" ("All The Reported Cases Of Zika In The United States," The Washington Post, 6/24/16)
SEN. DICK DURBIN (D-IL): "…the mosquitoes carrying this deadly virus are on the march." (Sen. Durbin, Congressional Record, S.4433, 6/22/2016)
  • DURBIN: "The mosquitoes are not going to be on recess next week, they are going to be working, and sadly they are going to be infecting people across the South and across the United States while congressional leaders dither." (Sen. Durbin, Congressional Record, S.2428, 4/26/2016)
Senate Zika Bill Previously Earned 'Sweeping Support From Democrats'

"The compromise measure's $1.1 billion price tag matches the amount the Senate approved last month…" ("House, Senate GOP Seals Agreement On $1.1B Zika Measure," AP, 6/22/16)
MAY FLASHBACK: "The U.S. Senate passed its spending bill for transportation, veterans and combating the Zika virus…" ("Senate Passes Veterans, Transportation, Zika Spending Measure," Bloomberg, 5/19/16)

SEN. HARRY REID (D-NV): "...the threat from Zika continues to grow larger every day." (Sen. Reid, Congressional Record, S.4432, 6/22/16) Where was Harry Reid's Leadership this time?

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