
Tuesday, June 21, 2016

No, Hillary, Making America Great Again Is Not 'Going Backward'

by Herman Cain: That seems rather obvious, but for Hillary and other logic-challenged people, I will be happy to explain.

I'm accustomed to liberals and Democrats approaching issues by shifting the subject, ignoring the facts, and name-calling anyone who disagrees with them. It's S.I.N.!

But Hillary Clinton is now trying to redefine common sense. Namely, she has now declared that make America great again means going backwards instead of going forward.

That's like telling people that night is day, and day is night. It's like telling people that up is down and down is up. It's also like telling people that on is off and off is on. Sadly, some Democrats and her supporters are starting to believe it! That's just how gullible they are. And she knows it, the Democrats know it and the liberals know it.

In addition to negative ads against Donald Trump, Hillary's only other political play is to convince people that something that is obviously positive must be negative if it is coming from the lips of a Republican.

Nothing is further from the truth! But lies from Hillary is not new.

A GDP annual growth rate of 4 percent or more would be great, because it means consumers are spending more because they have more to spend due to higher wages, more jobs and lower taxes. The GDP has not exceeded 2.5 percent per year since Obama has been in office.

Our nation's GDP as a percentage of the world's GDP has fallen during the Obama years from nearly 25 percent to 22 percent, which means we are losing our economic greatness. We can reverse this trend with a president who believes in economic growth instead of government growth.

A robust economy could stop more people from falling into poverty. That would be great. During the Obama years, 2.5 million more people fell below the poverty line.

It would be great if the food stamps roll started to go down instead of continuing to go up from 32 million people to nearly 48 million people during the Obama years. But people need jobs, and better jobs, in order for that to happen.

It would be great for America if our military might was getting stronger instead of weaker. Our friends might respect us more and our enemies might fear us.

It would be great if our veterans could get the medical help they need, when they need it and where they need it, without bureaucratic red tape. Hillary thinks the VA just needs some minor adjustments.

It would be great if we could keep our doctor, chose the health care coverage we want without a penalty, and see our health insurance costs go down instead of absorbing double-digit percentage increases every year.

It would be great if we did not have to depend on foreign countries for portions of our energy needs. But as it stands, we do, and under a Hillary administration that would not change.

It would be great if we had a simpler, fairer tax code with lower rates so business growth could take off and personal incomes could go up.

Make America great again is not just a slogan as Hillary and the Democrats would have you believe, and it certainly does not mean going backward economically. Some people have even suggested it means going back to the segregation, discrimination, and "Jim Crow laws" of the past. Ridiculous! When people are focused on achieving prosperity, they are looking forward, not backward.

So to those who are thinking that make American great again is going backward, think again! It is not only counterintuitive, it's a lie.

Yes, I'm voting for Donald Trump.
Herman Cain is a conservative radio host of CainTV, a 2012 GOP presidential primary candidate with over 40 years of experience in the private sector as an analyst for Coca-Cola, an executive at Pillsbury, a regional Vice President for Burger King, and CEO of Godfather's Pizza. Cain served as Chairman of the Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City and a supervisory mathematician for the Dept. of the Navy.

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