
Friday, July 10, 2015

What We Are Dealing With

by Gary Bauer, Contributing Author: As the Obama Administration continues its pursuit of a nuclear deal with Iran, it is essential that we understand exactly what we are dealing with.

In a previous report, I reminded readers that the virulent virus of radical Islam has various strains. The Sunni extremists in ISIS grab the most headlines for their brutality, but the Shiite extremists ruling Iran are no less dangerous.

While Obama hopes for the best, New York Times reports that in Iran, "there has been a distinct change in tone: the anti-Americanism is getting even more strident."

One leading Iranian official said, "We march not only against Israel. . . . We also march against the arrogant powers," meaning the United States. The Times quotes another regime activist who asked, "What will be left of our revolution, of our position in the Islamic world, if we start relations with [the United States]?"

Why would he ask that? Because the regime believes that the goal of the Islamic revolution is to destroy the United States. Don't take my word for it. Pay attention to what the Iranians are telling us.
  • At a recent "Death To America" conference, one Iranian "intellectual" said that Iran's most important purpose is to "work tirelessly for the destruction of the United States. Our fight against America is not about this or that problem. It is about the very existence of America. . ."
  • Referring to the United States as the "great Satan," Iran's Supreme Leader, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, said recently, "When you consider someone and some organization as 'Satan,' it is clear how you should behave and feel towards them."
Just in case it isn't clear to our elites how the Iranians feel about us, today's New York Times writes that "[Iranian] State television, the main tool for disseminating official views, still reminds viewers day in and day out of all the evil acts and 'crimes' committed by the United States." And a close adviser to Supreme Leader Khamenei adds, "Those who think that even after a deal we will open our borders and change are very, very wrong."

World leaders made a monumental mistake by ignoring the belligerence of Adolf Hitler in the 1930s. They deluded themselves into thinking that they could reason with the Nazi dictator.

Sadly, history seems to be repeating itself. Obama's belief that a scrap of paper today can prevent Iran from acquiring nuclear weapons is just as naive as Neville Chamberlain's belief that Hitler's signature on a piece of paper brought peace in his time.
Gary Bauer is a conservative family values advocate and serves as president of American Values and chairman of the Campaign for Working Families

Tags: Gary Bauer, Campaign for Working Families, Obama administration, Iran, Nuke Deal To share or post to your site, click on "Post Link". Please mention / link to the ARRA News Service. and "Like" Facebook Page - Thanks!

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